
A very fine Yirdaki (Yolgnu for Didgeridoo)
by Djalu'/Howell, owned by Alan Tower

New: Awesome Video!


Back in 1997, I first had the pleasure of throat-singing with a didgeridoo player, my good friend Bernard Dubreuil. I was struck by the gorgeous combination of sounds, and since then have had the sheer pleasure of many, many jams with my didg-playing friends. In 2003, I finally succumbed, and began to play the didg in earnest.

Because of the great crossover in interest between the didgeridoo and throat-singing, it's been my great privilege to befriend many fine didge players. What a great joy it's been to jam together, and to learn from them! I recognize that most new players don't have the access to world-class didg players that I was lucky to meet, so it's really nice for us to be able to offer the first-ever online didgeridoo lessons.

This website is my small way of giving something back to the didge community, and of sharing my passion for the didg with the world-at-large.

Have fun!

Online Didgeridoo Video Lessons
This first-ever online series of didg lessons by composer/multi-instrumentalist Alan Tower. Alan is a multi-instrumentalist born to play didjeridu. He is most interested in composing pieces for solo and duo didjeridu that explore melodies above the drone using the harmonic series. He is currently working on his third didjeridu record (solos and duos) with a variety of world class players including Randy Graves, Stephen Kent and Rafael Bejarano.

Didgeridoo Video Gallery



Last Updated 10.3.07